Saturday, December 15, 2007

C'mon BA, get a grip

Now, I'm no UI designer, but I do happpen to be a human being. And as such this rubbish on BA's website really irritates me. I have no idea who designs their website, but please - telling your customers they can access "post-PIN content and functionality" is just a horrible mangle of pretension and obfuscation. And getting someone to click a box NOT to be remembered just completely does my head in. I've been griping about this for months already - but who do I tell? What are these guys smoking? And can I have some.


  1. That cracks me up. I forwarded to the folks I worked with in that business.

  2. In a company I dont want to name here, I have heard that to be a "localisation" problem. Apparently, even English text is localised (i.e. the right words chosen) resulting in most horrid texts like post-pin access.

    Oh, and BTW, the UE guy is not responsible for localised texts.

    Dilbert-land, all over.


  3. Anonymous3:31 PM

    i quite agree. BA sux. and i wish they could improve their excess baggage handling...

  4. Anonymous3:32 PM

    nice use of red marker
